The products I used in the past and the products I use now.
Current website host: Hostinger
Past website host: SiteGround
Past website host: Bluehost
My main recommendations on hosts for clients:
- Hostinger for a budget option in the $10/month range
- The stable and easy range is $30/month from WP Engine
But for my clients just getting started and wanting to learn all about the business and tech side themselves, I go for Hostinger in 2024
LMS plugins:
I use LifterLMS primarily for my own content.
I also use LearnDash and Sensei LMS
LearnDash is the industry standard
Sensei is the easiest
LifterLMS has the most features of all of them with the easiest access for custom development.
For domain registration I use: Namecheap
I also use Bluehost but would like to move off of them to get all my domain registrations to 1 place
For security I use 1Password for my password manager. I recommend that above using Chrome or Safari password managers for people who need an extra layer of security that can’t be accessed directly from the browser. Also I use the free WordFence plugin for WordPress security.
For video recording, I use Screenflow on my Mac for YouTube stuff. And I use the paid Loom Chrome extension for client videos to answer questions in emails.